n.f. From Latin Plenitudo “fullness, totality, perfection.”
The state of being at its highest degree of development, in all its strength and intensity.
Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française
Plenitude Partners is an independent operator specializing in advisory activities within the Food & Beverage sector.
Our profound industry knowledge, extensive network of professionals, and decades of leadership experience in both industrial and financial domains set Plenitude Partners apart in delivering exceptional services.
Our Strengths
Team of Specialists
We position ourselves as a team of specialists with multidisciplinary expertise, built on over thirty years of experience in the sector.
Our dynamism and strong adaptability to different corporate environments enable us to effectively manage client companies’ resistance to change, helping them face the high variability of market scenarios.
We offer highly customized services capable of delivering business solutions regardless of a company’s size or characteristics.
We provide privileged insights into market dynamics and emerging trends.
Areas of Expertise
M&A and Extraordinary Operations
The agrifood sector has long demonstrated the need to create sector-specific, district-based, or typological hubs to enhance competitiveness in international markets.
Plenitude Partners acts as both a driving force and executor of aggregation operations aimed at creating national champions or consolidating competing operators within specific production districts or product categories, generating economies of scale and synergies. We handle every stage of the transformative process, from origination and structuring the transaction, to due diligence, valuation, closing, and supporting the new entity in implementing management processes. Alternatively, we can oversee individual phases as required, managing all negotiation and financial aspects while coordinating fiscal and legal matters.
Corporate Organization and Business Strategy
Drawing on our extensive experience managing agrifood businesses with both family-run and managerial structures, we provide organizational and process solutions tailored to different governance models. We advise on the suitability of business models and propose improvements where necessary, whether in existing production and procurement models or in commercial structures for both domestic and international markets.
Export Management
We offer strategic options for commercial approaches in international markets. In addition to market-specific consultations, we help businesses explore innovative solutions, ranging from adopting a global export outsourcing platform to establishing commercial branches in key export markets.
Strategic Marketing
With a proven track record, our team provides targeted “turnkey” interventions across all aspects of the marketing mix. From developing new product lines to their launch—including communication and promotional materials, events, press office activities, and external relations—we support businesses in strategic reflections on vision and purpose, translating these into communication tools for both online and offline channels, including social media management.
The Team

Edoardo Freddi
Founder & CEO
Edoardo ha iniziato la sua carriera professionale in AB-InBev, prima come Off-trade Sales Analyst, poi come Project Coordinator…
Edoardo began his professional career at AB-InBev, first as an Off-trade Sales Analyst and later as a Project Coordinator.
In 2012, he founded Edoardo Freddi International (EFI), an export management company in the wine and spirits industry representing leading Italian producers (e.g., Marchesi di Barolo, Tenuta San Leonardo, St. Michael Eppan), connecting them with top importers and distributors worldwide, and managing over €110 million in client revenue. EFI quickly became the market leader for Italian wine exports, often described as a “business accelerator”.
Building on this success, he established several complementary companies, culminating in the creation of the Freedl Group in 2018, a holding company focused on developing new opportunities in the beverage sector under a unified vision.
Edoardo holds a Bachelor’s in Economics and Business Management and an MSc in Food & Beverage from Bocconi University.

Ettore Nicoletto
Senior Advisor
Ettore professionalmente cresce presso la Casa Vinicola Zonin all’inizio degli anni ’90 ricoprendo diversi incarichi nel reparto export…
Ettore began his career at Casa Vinicola Zonin in the early 1990s, eventually becoming Export Director.
In 2004, he joined Santa Margherita Gruppo Vinicolo to restructure domestic and international markets and redesign the product portfolio. He rose to General Manager and later became CEO in 2008, leading significant successes such as the development of Cuvée Prestige Ca’ del Bosco, notable M&A deals (Ca Maiol and Cantina Mesa), and the case study of Santa Margherita USA.
After 16 years with the Marzotto family, he joined Angelini Wines & Estates as President and CEO to lead a transformative project.
Today, Ettore focuses on consultancy in the wine sector and entrepreneurial investments in Food & Wine. He is Vice President of the Federvini Wine Group and sits on the CEEV (Comité Vins) board in Brussels.
Ettore holds a degree in Economics from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and is a certified Chartered Accountant.

Alessandro Berti
Senior Advisor
Alessandro matura la sua esperienza nel settore bancario e finanziario in oltre 25 anni di attività in diversi istituti di credito…
With over 25 years of experience in banking and finance, Alessandro has held roles as branch manager and special credit manager.
In 2015, he founded Studio Impresa e Finanza, providing continuous consulting services to over 150 companies in credit and finance management. The firm professionally supports entrepreneurs in both ordinary decisions related to finance, organization, and management, as well as extraordinary decisions, particularly in investment projects and the execution of complex corporate transactions. The firm also handles management control, corporate organization, business planning and budgeting activities, and relations with banks.
In 2016, he established Studio Impresa e Finanza – Corporate Specialist, consolidating his expertise in areas such as financial planning, business organization, and strategic investments.

Roberto Colussi
Senior Advisor
Dopo una prima esperienza presso il dipartimento di consulenza aziendale di Arthur Andersen, l’attuale Accenture, nel 1980…
Roberto began his career in corporate consultancy at Arthur Andersen (now Accenture) before joining Studio Tributario Deiure, where he became a partner in 1989.
Over 40 years, he has gained expertise in tax, corporate law, M&A, private equity, and business valuations. He holds board positions in prominent companies across sectors such as pharmaceuticals, finance, energy, and fashion.
Roberto also serves on the statutory audit boards of major corporations, including Wind TRE, Autostrade per l’Italia, and Zara Italia.